
Objetos con forma prismatica
Objetos con forma prismatica

objetos con forma prismatica

Deposits like these speak to an increase in the complex cultural customs among the early Maya associated with emerging socioeconomic or ideological practices that seem to presage more developed social inequality, accumulation of wealth, and power among emerging elites.

objetos con forma prismatica

Many of these trade items made from exotic materials have been recovered from some of the earliest dedicatory and termination deposits/caches in the central Maya lowlands, often in association with one another (Awe 1992 Aoyama et al. 2020: Supplementary Material 3 Kersey 2007 McAnany 2004b Rice et al. 2004 Castellanos and Foias 2017 Ebert and Awe 2018 Hammond 1991b Inomata et al. In Early to Middle Preclassic Belize and Guatemala, the obsidian originated in highland Guatemala, with the El Chayal and San Martín Jilotepeque sources being dominant (Aoyama 2017 Aoyama and Munson 2012 Aoyama et al. También se llegan a recuperar una serie de artefactos elaborados con fines distintos en comparación con los objetos anteriormente mencionados hablamos de los excéntricos de obsidiana con formas zoomorfas, antropomorfas y amorfas los cuales suelen estar acompañados de excéntricos de pedernal y otros materiales suntuarios (Del Cid 2016:12) de igual forma, se observan objetos menos comunes como las lascas o navajillas prismáticas de la primer serie esgrafiadas con textos epigráficos núcleos prismáticos desgastados y retocados a manera excéntrica (Kidder 1947 Sullivan 2017) y navajillas prismáticas o punzones de obsidiana acompañados de otros materiales, que en conjunto, engloban características y datos relevantes sobre la cosmovisión maya prehispánica y el valor simbólico de la obsidiana (Grube 2001:48-49). En las intervenciones arqueológicas a lo largo de las Tierras Bajas Mayas, es común recuperar una diversidad de objetos elaborados de obsidiana, tales como: lascas de descortezamiento y adelgazamiento, navajas prismáticas, bifaciales, núcleos poliédricos, puntas de proyectil, raspadores, raederas, agujas, entre otros (Aoyama 2017, Hruby 2006, 2009 Moholy-Nagy et al 1984 Crabtree 1968). Evidence for crafting is often found near ceremonial structures where Ceibal's early elite would have been present, suggesting that they were closely involved in the production process. We find that Middle Preclassic middens are often disturbed or incorporated into later construction episodes over many generations, making the identification of such activities difficult, although not impossible, to identify archaeologically.

objetos con forma prismatica

We examine these materials in order to understand the nature of their manufacturing processes, the association between lithic production and bone/shell processing for meat and artifact production, and compare these activities with evidence from other Middle Preclassic sites and from the later Classic period.

objetos con forma prismatica

Excavations across Ceibal recovered one of the largest Middle Preclassic assemblages of lithic and faunal material to date. ), ancient Maya society went through a critical transition to sedentary settlements, including the development of large-scale monumental construction endeavors for ceremonial activities, increasingly nucleated settlement patterns, and the differential control of prestigious objects. During the Middle Preclassic period (1000–350 b.c. This study examines artifact production using lithic, animal bone, and shell materials at the lowland Maya site of Ceibal, Guatemala, to explore the emergence and societal role of early crafting specialists.

Objetos con forma prismatica